Many of the advantages of having multiple rental stores are obvious. Increased geographic coverage provides greater convenience to a larger potential customer base, allows for faster deliveries to job sites, and promotes brand awareness.
But multiple rental stores also allow for branches to exchange assets among each other in order to fulfill sales opportunities they would otherwise be unable to. And while that upside may not immediately come to mind when expansion plans are considered, multi-location rental companies would be doing themselves a disservice not to take advantage of equipment transfers.
To make the most of their branches shared fleets, it’s crucial that rental companies have an efficient and transparent equipment transfer workflow. At many rental companies, transfers are either initiated or entirely conducted over the phone or through an email request. Not only do these manual communication methods require greater time investments from rental coordinators, they also leave little to no records to refer back to.
This lack of a digital paper trail can become problematic later down the road. What’s more, when equipment transfers are requested outside of a rental company’s ERP system, it’s not impossible for personnel to forget to log that transfer in any official way. This can further compound visibility issues in the future.
It’s for these reasons that RentalMan V12 allows authorized users to place equipment transfer requests within the system. This ensures that requests are securely logged and detailed for both the requesting and requested branch. In addition, this approach saves users time from back-and-forth communications and the kinds of misunderstandings that might occur over the phone or through an unclear email. Best of all, by codifying equipment transfers, RentalMan V12 users can analyze their transfer requests to glean meaningful business insights.