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WHAT IF…Receiving equipment was faster and more accurate?

What if receiving equipment

What a nightmare it is waking up knowing your day is going to be filled with multiple deliveries on a new site. Even worse if it’s a Monday. I have to get the trucks in, hopefully, they’re not late, make sure they unload the equipment safely, in the right place, and get the drivers out of the way before another turns up. Chances are it’s also pouring with rain so the delivery notes are getting a good soaking and the ink is running on the key bit of info needed for the back office!

When it comes to any type of delivery, how often does it get delivered and not checked over for damages? The equipment is just left in the storage container and then it’s…”here you go mate, sign here” and off they go!

Wouldn’t it be great to have software that you can quickly open on your phone or tablet to help you receiving equipment?

You can see what is due in today and have the flexibility to receive the goods there and then, whilst it’s actually being unloaded from the delivery truck. You can even add photos and notes as part of the process flow. Why you could even grab a picture of the delivery truck and the driver as well…”Hey Buddy….Fancy a selfie?”….

The app would need to be simple. It should take just a few of clicks to complete and the rest takes care of itself. The data would flow accurately to the back office and the invoices would be matched the first time with no back and forth queries. As you’re watching the delivery take place, you can count the quantities and allocate only what actually gets dropped off. Simple! Do a good job of it and it will be a job that the robots won’t take away from us! The accounts department will be happy as well when those invoices stop getting held up. And the job site will have more time by not having to authorise or investigate queries for inaccurate receipts.

So all you’ve got to worry about when all the deliveries have been made is receiving a cup of tea.

Connect with us for more information or to ‘receive’ a demo…get it?

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