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Using Technology to Improve the Tracking and Management of Construction Equipment

Discover how innovative solutions can revolutionize the way you manage equipment.

Maximize job site productivity with construction equipment management software

Learn best practices from leading enterprise construction companies to improve construction equipment management processes and control costs. We cover managing demand at the job site through online requisitioning, integrating demand with rental suppliers through supplier portals, automating the re-rent process, mobilizing, deploying, and picking up construction equipment, utilizing GPS and telematics, and integrating with other systems. With these recommended best practices, construction companies can streamline processes, reduce opportunities for error, and maximize productivity.

In this eBook:

  • Online requisitioning
  • Supplier portals
  • Automating the re-rent process
  • Mobilizing, deploying, and picking up equipment
  • Utilizing GPS and telematics
  • Integrating with other systems
technology management
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