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Our 2019 Wynne User Conference Recap

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After two and a half jam-packed days of informative sessions, lively networking, and unforgettable customer appreciation events, another Wynne Systems User Conference is officially behind us. If you made it to Nashville, it was great connecting with you! We hope that your takeaways from this year’s event help bring about meaningful benefits to your companies. On the flip side, fear not if you weren’t able to attend! This post is here to provide you with a high-level recap of what made this year’s user conference Wynne’s best event yet.

The Biggest Wynne Systems User Conference Ever

With approximately 120 rental, construction, and transportation logistics professionals representing 42 companies in attendance, the 2019 Wynne User Conference turned out to be the best-attended event in Wynne’s nearly thirty-year history. To provide a point of comparison, this year’s turnout nearly doubled the crowd Wynne received in Las Vegas just two years ago. Much of this surge in attendance can be attributed to the many CAT dealers that were brought under the Wynne umbrella with our acquisition of Dispatching Solutions, Inc. in mid-2018. And from the feedback we have received, it appears that their inaugural user conference experience proved to be a worthwhile one! Ultimately, the reason this attendance milestone is worth celebrating is because of the diversity of perspectives it brought to our breakout sessions, round tables, and networking events. All of Wynne’s customers collectively represent the very best in rental, construction, and transportation logistics, but they approach their industries in distinct ways. By having more voices than ever sharing their insights and best practices, the discussions had at this year’s conference were even more productive than ever before.

This Year’s Theme: Start with Why

Over the past few years, every Wynne Systems User Conference has been focused around an annual theme. This year, Wynne Systems chose to dedicate our keynote, breakout sessions, and round tables around the concept of “Start with Why.” Inspired from Simon Sinek’s best-selling book of the same name, the “Start with Why” approach emphasizes the importance of why companies exist in the first place and why people wake up everyday to do the jobs that they do. In other words, “Start with Why” encourages people and organizations to look beyond surface level “whats” and “hows” and instead focus on the underlying motivations that matter most. By building out every presentation around this concept, Wynne Systems presenters were able to directly speak to the concerns of conference attendees.

Outstanding Presentations from Wynne Systems Customers

Building off the universal acclaim Wynne Systems’ customer-presenters received in 2018, this year’s conference featured sessions led by twelve companies, each representing the very best in rental and construction. Covering topics related to RentalMan, RentalResult, and DSi Mobile, these customer-presenters did a phenomenal job of sharing their success stories and best practices. Dale Asplund, COO of United Rentals helped kick off the entire event with a rousing keynote that explored his company’s use of technological solutions to universal equipment rental industry challenges. For our rental track of sessions, speakers from Texas First Rentals, AGF, Ramirent, and Duke Rentals relayed how they approach complex software modifications, develop informative reports, tackle job management, and even how shifting workforce demographics will transform the equipment rental industry. On the construction side, sessions by Black and Veatch, Swinerton, and McGough explored what they’ve been able to achieve using the RentalResult solution suite. And with regards to transportation logistics, speakers from Bragg Companies, Cashman Equipment, Empire Southwest, and Warren CAT headed up informative sessions dedicated to the value they’ve managed to attain from various DSi Mobile applications. User conference attendees have often stated that they learn as much from each other as they do from the Wynne Systems team, and that sentiment felt especially true at this year’s event.

Previews of New Solutions on the Horizon

In addition to learning about the latest (and upcoming) enhancements to Wynne Systems’ currently available products, attendees to this year’s user conference were also treated to sneak peeks of new solutions still being formulated. Through an exciting presentation that emphasized the importance of empowering rental counter staff, Product Manager Ken Kimura showcased a powerful new addition to EnVision UI in the form of Wynne’s forthcoming Rental Activity Center. Designed to provide operations teams with unmatched visibility over the KPIs they use to define success, the Rental Activity Center garnered considerable interest and discussion from session attendees. The day after Ken’s RAC unveiling, Software Development Manager Weicheh Koh led a session dedicated to a new equipment staging concept. Consistently delivering equipment in full and on time is absolutely crucial for rental companies to keep their customers satisfied. Ultimately, by clearly surfacing conflicts that need to be resolved before an item can be placed on rent, the solution aims help users fulfill promises to their customers. Much like the EnVision RAC, Weicheh’s concept also received strong interest from a wide spectrum of rental professionals in attendance. Stay tuned to this website for more information on these solutions in the months to come.

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