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5 Reasons to Attend This Year’s Wynne User Conference

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Time to register for this year’s User Conference to make sure you don’t miss out. This is shaping up to be our biggest and best conference ever! Time is ticking to register, but if you are on the fence about going, consider these 5 reasons why you should register now.

#1 Jammed packed with learning opportunities

We have 3 full days of sessions developed this year with topics of interest for both our rental and construction clients. There will be concurrent sessions for executives and users alike focusing on best practices, case studies, and panel discussions. Most of the sessions will be led by our RentalMan and RentalResult experts, but many of them will also include customers with expertise on the subject.

The first day is an intense dive into the direction and progress of the company, followed by roadmap discussions for both product platforms. This is your chance to hear the latest on the products to make sure you are fully leveraging your software investment. The next two days feature various tracks to ensure you get the information you are seeking.

#2 Grow your professional network

This year, we’ve added more opportunities to network with fellow users from across North America and Europe. You will have ample time to network with like-minded rental or construction professionals at one of the mixers, over mealtime or at the closing customer appreciation event. This is a great time to share best practices, exchange ideas and brainstorm solutions to overcome challenges. If you are thinking of implementing a new technology of process, this is a great opportunity to interact with users that have already adopted that technology.

There will be people from the largest rental and construction companies at the conference. And the intimate setting means you will have ample chances to meet everyone in attendance.

 #3 Get your “freebies” – valuable take home materials

Companies that attend may schedule ninety minutes for a hands-on Reporter consulting session. We are flying in our top Reporter expert to provide consulting or hands on training services. He can build the report or dashboard you have been dreaming about or just answer your questions. If report writing is not your deal, then no worries he can also spend the time with you and someone from your home office over web-ex working on a project.

Note: Space is limited for the Reporter services so sign up by contacting us here after you register to request your session.

#4 Be heard and make a difference

We appreciate hearing from our customers at the conference, especially because that’s often where we get our best ideas for where we can take our products. The user conference is a great way to get your ideas, feature requests, and feedback heard. Come to Las Vegas to chat with Wynne’s executives, product managers, customer care managers and our new initiative champion. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on what we have delivered so far this year and what else you would like to see.

 #5 Have some fun

Even after you’ve soaked in all the knowledge from the speakers and breakout sessions your day will be far from over. You will have time to relax in the Nevada sunshine and enjoy the resort. The Green Valley Ranch Resort is a 4 Diamond luxury hotel that features great restaurants, an incredible spa, sandy beach pool, and plenty of casino action. If that is not of interest you can check out the extensive shopping district next door, hit some golf balls or check out a movie. A great way to unwind after a day of sessions.

The conference’s aim is to inspire you and provide you with new information to take home to better leverage your software. You should return home invigorated and motivated to put to use what you have learned. We hope you will make time to join us this year for what will a great event.

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