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Introducing RenterLink

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Wynne announces a new mobile application that connects renters to their rental company. This product is designed to increase renter engagement, reduce frustration and improve operational efficiencies.

The product provides a custom branded mobile application for our customers to use to connect to their customers. This gives renters an easy way to rent equipment, manage their orders, track their shipments and make returns. All of the processes that used to require picking up the phone can now be handled seamlessly with a few clicks on their smartphone.

Renters can browse a visual display of inventory and request quotes. They can view order history, access current orders and easily repeat orders. The app will track the status of the request so they can see their progress of what they ordered and when they should expect delivery. Renters can sign for the equipment when it gets delivered and request a pickup when they are done using it.

This real-time communication and one-click access to customer support makes rent equipment easy and is sure to drive revenue to our rental partners.

For a sneak peek at the product, see this video. Or for a personalized demo give us a call.

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