When rented equipment goes down, your operations team is already behind the 8 ball. Successfully resolving the situation while keeping customers happy and costs low is tough. Your field service team needs to be fast, productive, and on point. That’s no easy task considering the challenges of organizing a packed, chaotic schedule and executing effective communication throughout the process.
Field Service Toolkits
Our team just released new field service functionality for RentalMan that cuts straight through the complexities of field service, helping your team be at it’s best. However, if you don’t have the right RentalMan solutions yet, we still wanted to lend a helping hand. That’s why we’re releasing a set of Field Service Toolkits. Each is aimed at helping you master vital parts of the field service process. Today, we’re sharing a Field Service Action & Communication Plan.
Why a Field Service Action & Communication Plan?
Communication is vital for fast response times and customer satisfaction in knowing their issue is being addressed and taken seriously. However, communication can get tricky with field service mechanics moving between jobsites, and branch employees in different locations. This plan should serve as a solid foundation to either compare your current plan with or start building your own if your team doesn’t have one yet.
Interactive Action & Communication Plan
The plan below is interactive. As you scroll, it shows different communications and actions throughout the field service process. Click on the green paper airplanes to see more about that part of the plan.