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RentalMan Core + RMUI

Explore the releases and enhancements that are streamlining rental operations.

Logistics Solution

Transportation management for drivers, dispatchers and management.


Mobile application for ops and sales personnel in the field and at the front desk.

Service Solution

Service scheduling and prioritization for service managers and mechanics.

RenterLink & Customer Portal

E-commerce and customer portal options for your rental customers.


Smart equipment sourcing solution built to help coordinators and sales teams fill reservations.

Future Timeline Overview


Q4 - 2023 - RMUI

My Web Links

Q4 - 2023 - Service Solution + Logistics Solution

Logistics Solution & Service Solution integration

Q4 - 2023 - Logistics Solution

Driver app revamp

Q1 - 2024 - RentalMan Core

Ancillary fees

Q1 - 2024 - RMUI

Job site mapping

Q1 - 2024 - Service Solution

Labor scheduling for shop

Q1 - 2024 - Logistics Solution

Samsara integration

Q2 - 2024 - IntelliSource

Search logic: nearest unit

Q2 - 2024 - RMUI

Home page manager

Q2 - 2024 - MobileLink

Quick turn & quick pick list enhancements

Q3 - 2024 - Customer Portal

Modularized accounting widgets


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RentalMan Core

Enhancement & Features


Payment vendor additions

Sure, payment vendors might offer a similar service but there can be a lot of differences between them. Two new integration options are now available for your payments in RentalMan! Curbstone, Tempus, and NMA are all available to help you and your customers do business.


Single customer master

P Cards are rising in popularity in the rental industry. As a result, we’re now supporting this and other types of payment options with the new single customer master setup. This new capability helps you simplify your invoicing process and enhances your customer relationships.


Ancillary charges engine

Ancillary charges are an ideal way to cover expenses in your organization and even generate some revenue. Whether it’s environmental fees, damage waivers, transport charges, or anything else, RentalMan now has a new engine available to help you manage them. Want to brush up on this topic? Check out this e-book!

Released – building more!

REST micro-services

Nobody likes waiting for their systems to respond. You’re busy! You’ve got things to do! We’re speeding up the system by adding RPG REST micro-services throughout RentalMan’s background. These micro-services retrieve specific data that you request at different times rather than trying to move large files filled with data that’s not need for the task at hand.

RMUI (New!)

A new interface with the power of RentalMan that helps you get more done

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My Web Links

Bookmark highly used integrations, equipment images, and more with this new feature in RMUI. This helps your users save time they would normally spend looking for different information or logging in to different systems by putting custom links in one place.

Coming Q3- 2024

Home page manager

Depending on what your role is, you might want to see specific information when you first log in to RentalMan. Home page manager has been around since the RMUI launch but this new capability allows admins to set specific home pages for different users. For example, managers can have a home page that shows a Reporter dashboard while sales reps can have a home page showing Salesforce.


Job site mapping

Through an integration with Logistics Solution, users will be able to see a map that plots out customer job sites and their associated details. This helps users visualize job sites rather than needing to check their addresses or lat/long details manually through Google Maps or something similar. It also helps prevent job site duplication in RentalMan.

Logistics Solution

Enhancement & Features

Coming Q4 – 2024

Auto routing

Efficient dispatching requires smart planning. To get the most out of your drivers’ time, there are a lot of variables to consider. Distance, equipment, trailers, trucks, job site locations, and more create a complex puzzle to solve. We’re helping dispatchers solve those situations faster with a new auto routing feature that suggest routes based on many of these factors. At the moment, auto-routing is available for recurring service tasks. We are working for wider task capabilities in the future.


Service Solution integration

Field service is about to get easier with a new integration between Service Solution and Logistics Solution. New capabilities include calendar views of upcoming field service needs by hour, day, week, or month. Drag and drop functions help you easily allocate mechanics to work orders.


Samsara integration

Samsara is a popular device provider for many transportation teams. We’re excited to announce this new integration. The integration will offer real-time driver location tracking directly within the Logistics Solution – TMS scheduler map overview. This feature enables you to streamline your logistics operations with unparalleled visibility and control.


Driver app revamp

A new driver app is on the way! This revamped app boasts offline capabilities which will improve functionality in locations with little to no mobile or Wi-Fi connections. In addition, better photo saving, better order prioritization, and better views into task duration will be part of the app.

Coming Q3 – 2024

Quick turn – condition reports

We’re speeding up the check out process for your yard teams by making condition reporting available beyond just when your team is putting equipment on contract. Your team can now add condition reports to equipment as it comes off rent or straight from the shop.

MobileLink Quick turn
Coming Q3 – 2024

Quick pick display addition

There’s a lot of space on the equipment displays during check out. We’re adding some visibility for your yard teams by adding more information like customer names, reservation numbers, and time out.

Service Solution

Enhancement & Features


Field service integration

Field service is about to get easier with a new integration between Service Solution and Logistics Solution. New capabilities include calendar views of upcoming field service needs by hour, day, week, or month. Drag and drop functions help you easily allocate mechanics to work orders.


Shop labor scheduling

This new, fully integrated scheduler will be a one stop shop for both workshops and field servicing. It will provide 360 degree visibility around your mechanics and their tasks, speeding up the assignment process, reducing friction, and accelerating turnaround time.

RenterLink & Customer Portal

Enhancement & Features

Coming Q3- 2024

Customer Portal modules

Many rental organizations are looking into customer portals to help manage relationships with their customers. While we offer a full solution that caters to this topic, we recognize that not every company wants or needs the entire solution. That’s why we’re “modularizing” the solution. When released, you will be able to integrate different parts of our solution into your business.

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IntelliSource (New!)

Equipment sourcing made easy

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Q2 – Released

Conflict identification

There’s a variety of reasons that equipment might not be ready for rent. When equipment options are presented, users can now see if there is a potential conflict via a small warning icon. This icon can be clicked on to view associated details like work orders or if the equipment is just coming off rent from another jobsite. Integrations to other RentalMan solutions like Service Solution brings real-time visibility statuses or conflicts to users.

Q2 – Released

Nearest unit search logic

The distance between job site locations and branches can add a variety of costs to a rental transaction. That’s why we’re going to be adding a new search logic to IntelliSource. The new logic will show users the distance between the job site and the rental branch, helping them take transportation costs into consideration when matching equipment to reservations.

Q2 – Released

Equipment Attributes

When customers demand a specific piece of equipment, it should be easy to find it and add it to their order. IntelliSource users can narrow the search criteria and filter the equipment to ensure what’s allocated is what was specifically requested by the customer.

Q2 – Released

Alternative equipment options

When looking for equipment, users will now be able to see other potential equipment options if one is not readily available at the branch. For example, if a rental customer needs a 25ft. scissor lift, a 32 ft. option can be shown as an alternative option if a 25ft. lift isn’t currently available. This provides yet another way for users to quickly find a solution to upcoming order needs.

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