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Inventory Management SIG

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inventory management

Why inventory management?

Operational disruption

Outdated inventory counts often require updates involving operational shut down for 1-2 weekend days and the full might of your employee force. During this time the organization isn’t making money. Paying weekend overtime for every employee can be a costly decision as well. Counting nuts, bolts, and whatever else is at your branch isn’t exactly what employees have in mind for “weekend fun” either.

Flying blind

Without careful, daily attention to inventory, companies often fly blind for months. This leads to:

  • Overstocking that adds unnecessary costs to your bottom line
  • Stock outs that delay turnaround time on equipment
  • Inaccurate forecasting that lead to costly, incorrect restocking decisions
  • Obsolete items that reduce profitability
  • Inefficient reordering processes that impact lead times and availability

You ask, we develop

In our 2023 Customer Survey, many of you mentioned inventory and supplies management as a gap in your day to day experience with our solutions. We need to fix that. What better way to fix it than working directly with you, building a solution that fits your needs.

Current Solution Concepts

Mobile Application

  • Scheduled cycle counting that reduces disruptions to operations
  • Mobile scanning for barcodes and RFIDs that facilitate seamless counting
  • Task center for a one stop view of cycle counts with auto-assignment features
Inventory Mobile Application Mockup
Inventory dashboard

Inventory Dashboard

  • Built in rules engine with customization options that adapt to your inventory practices
  • Automated, standardized company-wide purchasing to ensure fast, easy purchasing
  • Automated interbranch transfers that ensure optimum levels of inventory throughout the organization

Look interesting so far? We’re just getting started with ideas and need your input.
Join us on the SIG project!

Join the Project

How SIGs work

Special Interest Group (SIG) projects are a great way to be directly involved in the development of the latest solutions at Wynne Systems. During these projects, our team works with you and three to four different existing customers. The end goal is to build a new solution with direct input from you and the other organizations on the SIG team.

Take a look at the timeline for this year’s SIG project ›››

- Timeline -


Jan. - April

Kickoff, Strategy, Learn, Discover


Brainstorm, Develop plan, POC, Finalize requirements


Development, team mix, cadence


Development, Beta, Develop GTM


Webinar launch, 1st Beta Customer
Team working together

Join the Project

Don’t miss your chance to grab a seat at the table. Sign ups for the project are open now. Send us your email to let us know your interested and we’ll be in touch soon!